Happy to report that the Livox MID-40 lidar sensor integration into the OpenMMS v1.3 hardware design is now complete! With all the hardware now installed within the aluminum case, the development efforts have shifted to focus on updating the OpenMMS real-time firmware and the post-processing applications to support the new lidar sensor. Further updates to come!
Let the collaboration begin
Today the OpenMMS project officially became a collaborative initiative! The project’s first-ever GitHub pull request for the OpenPyLivox (OPL) library was received and is now in the review and merge process. Anjali Zope, a high school senior from Pacific Collegiate School in Santa Cruz, CA. contributed an LVX binary file reader to OPL. The reader allows point cloud and IMU data recorded using the manufacturer’s Livox-Viewer application to now be accessible within OPL. Ms. Zope’s current interest in Livox lidar sensors is a result of her involvement within a UAS-Lidar mapping project at the University of Southern California, where she is mentored by Marshall Rogers-Martinez, Ph.D., an engineer at Joby Aviation.
Welcome to the OpenMMS Project
After a lot of research and development, we are very pleased to welcome you to the Open Mobile Mapping System (OpenMMS) project!
Some of the currently published documentation is still being prettied up, so please read past the occasional your, when in fact, it should be you’re.
Once again, welcome! We are glad your you’re here! 😉